May 13, 12pm Eastern: Judges announced
May 20, 10am Eastern: Sponsors announced; 12pm Eastern Webinar co-hosted by Reedsy and ShoreIndie - Watch the recording now!
May 27, 12pm Eastern: Prize packages announced
May 27-June 2: #AskEditor Twitter chats with the ShoreIndie editors (click on image to enlarge)
June 5, 9am Eastern: Submissions close
June 3-10: Editors tweet anonymous feedback about submissions under the #SIsubs hashtag
June 11, 3pm Eastern: Author-Editor pairs announced
June 12-July 29: Editing Round; mini craft workshops with editors, #AskAuthor chats with Featured Authors, giveaways. See the Editing Round Events Schedule for days/times (ET).
July 31-August 13: Judging Round
August 14, 12pm Eastern: Grand Prize Winner and Runner-Up announced
Note: All announcements will be made on Twitter by @ShoreIndie.
Questions or suggestions? Please direct them to @ShoreIndie or shoreindiecontest (at) gmail (dot) com.